Child Welfare Tshwane


 Diep In Die Berg sponsored a very successful fund raising event for Child Welfare Tshwane on 20 August 2014. Patron for Child Welfare Tshwane, Nakedi Ribane and their Board of Management hosted a cocktail event to celebrate Woman's Day with renowned artist Natalia Molebatsi as the Master of Ceremonies. Fashion shows, food, delicious cocktails andentertainment all added to the beautiful stylish ambiance.


Vusi Mahlasela, one of South Africa,s most successful artists, entertained over 100 guests, supported by a life performance from Stylistic Fusion.


Child Welfare is a leading non-profit social services organization tasked with developing sustainable change and creating a safety net for children and their families.


We would like to thank all the benefactors that made this event possible, the kids from the Child Welfare Tshwane will most certainly reap the benefits of your generous hearts.